Sam Dyer Photographics | Cairns Domain Names
domainsNOW provide 100% Australian based domain registration, with offices in both Melbourne and Cairns you can rest assure that your domain name is in safe hands.
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Domain Names

There are many different sorts of domain names, but the one most commonly used by Australian businesses are (dot com, dot au)


The best domains should be easy to spell, not be too long and if possible describe what your business does.


For example one of our clients designs and makes custom headwear called fascinators. her business is called Cailin Alinn, but her website name is


All of our domain names are registered through our partner company in Melbourne – domains now!


To check domain name availability, purchase or new a domain name go to

Below is a list of domain extensions and some explanations about how they are used:


AUSTRALIAN DOMAIN – ABN/ACN/Registered Business Number or Australian Trademark Number required.


Domain Name must be an exact match, acronym or abbreviation of the name of the registrant’s company or trading name, organization or association name or trademark, OR, be closely and substantially connected to the registrant.




GLOBAL DOMAIN – This is an open domain space, there are no requirements to own one.


AUSTRALIAN DOMAIN – ABN/ACN/Registered Business Number or Australian Trademark Number required.


Domain Name must be an exact match, acronym or abbreviation of the name of the registrant’s company or trading name, organization or association name or trademark, OR, be closely and substantially connected to the registrant.


AUSTRALIA (NON COMMERCIAL ORGANISATIONS) – Domain Names are for non-commercial organisations, including:


An incorporated association; political party registered with the Australian Electoral Commission; trade union or other organisation registered under the Workplace Relations Act 1996; a sporting or special interest club operating in Australia; or a charity operating in Australia.
Domain Name must be an exact match, acronym or abbreviation of the name of the registrant’s company or trading name, organization or association name or trademark, OR, be closely and substantially connected to the registrant.

More domain name tips

Why should I register a domain name?


Registering a domain name is your first step to your company’s online presence!


There are many reasons why companies register domain names.


Some companies are keen to register a name and build a web site straight away, others just to have a professional email address that represents them on the Internet.


Companies may also register a name and keep it for future use, or to protect Brands/Trademarks.


Which domain name should I register?


To gain the best advantage on the Internet you should consider registering your company name as well as any abbreviations.


Abbreviations are very important if you have a long business name.


A three letter Domain name like is far easier to remember than a long domain name.


It helps when customers want to visit or revisit your site for you to have a short, easy to remember domain name.


I am an Australian business owner. Should I register a, or .com domain name?


A name is certainly the flagship of Australian domain names. It is well recognised by Australian consumers, who instantly identify that companies bearing the suffix are Australian Companies and have passed the eligibility to hold a domain name.


Registering a domain name can also help with your marketing efforts. It can be an excellent choice if the or .com name you want is registered by another company.


The .com suffix is certainly one of the most recognised suffixes in the world. If your business wants to trade and compete on a world scale then a .com name will help brand you as an international organisation.


Many businesses choose to register all three (, and .com) to protect their trademark or to assist in their on-line and off-line marketing efforts.


If for example you own and but the main website you have is, users could find your web site at all three of these addresses.

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.